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Case Studies Customer Testimonials — Measuring Radius (R) / Inner Diameter (ID)

Case: 1 Inner Diameter Measurement of Disks

Industry Electronic and Electrical Industry
Application Inner Diameter Measurement of Disks
Model Adopted

We used a 1D micrometer to scan the target and considered the maximum value to be the inner diameter.
With its 2D optical projection method, the TM Series Optical Micrometer has achieved the inner diameter inspection without scanning.


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We know that inner diameter measurement is one of the most difficult dimensions to measure. Since the target of this case had a donut shape, we could measure the inner diameter easily by projecting a cylindrical light, eliminating the need of moving the target.


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Case: 2 Inner Diameter Measurement of Dies

Industry Transport/Metals Industry
Application Inner Diameter Measurement of Dies
Model Adopted

Our previous regular maintenance did not measure the die hole directly but measured the weight of the wire material passed through the hole. Such indirect measurement produced significant errors and required a lot of time and effort.
The TM Series we purchased can accurately measure a hole diameter with less error than a micrometer.


Thank you for using KEYENCE products.
At first, the customer said they wanted to measure the outer diameter of wire materials. When we found out that they actually wanted to measure the inner diameter of a die, so we introduced the TM Series. We are glad to hear that the customer was satisfied with our product.


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